Sunday, 26 October 2014

Safety in the Sun!

The Board of Trustees has adopted a new Sun Safe procedure that specifies that all children must wear a wide brimmed or bucket hat in the summer terms of Term 4 and Term 1 each year.

We have hats for sale at the office at a cost of $10 each.

Also... Great news on the Sunshade for the Junior block- Sarah Wood has had a successful time of late with our grant applications.  We hope to have our sunshade up for the Junior School in 2015!

Thank you to the Home and School for supplying each class with sunscreen.

Here are some of our Health Team Sun Safety role models...


The winner!

The results are in- Room 1 narrowly beat Room 4 in the Healthy Challenge last term.
Room 1 will receive a 'Shared Lunch' and Room 4 get extra play for their huge efforts.
Interesting statistics:

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Healthy Challenge

As part of our whole school inquiry on People Change.. and wanting to reinforce the big ideas of:
  • The way we treat and care for our bodies influences our future
  • Knowledge and understanding about our bodies can be beneficial
  • What we do now can make a difference
... the 2014 Health Team decided to set a challenge for the school.  Each child was invited to participate in a 7 day challenge in Week 9 of Term 3.  They were given their very own health card.  There were 7 challenges daily that we hoped would help promote health and well-being!
The results of the winning class (highest percentage of participation) will be announced in Week 1 of term 4.