Saturday, 9 November 2013

Health Promoting Schools Seminar at Bathgate Park School

On Wednesday George, Ella, Gus, Tessa and Miss Brown went to Bathgate Park School for a Health Promoting Schools Seminar.  It was great to meet up with other students from Dunedin schools who are passionate about Health Promotion. We got some great ideas about what other schools are doing.  We made tasty wraps with Holly from the Heart Foundation (We think this could be a great lunchtime treat using some of the produce from our garden next year!!!).  Anna from Enviro Schools showed us how to plant Microgreens.  There were sessions on Smokefree and some fun games from Sport Otago.  It was a great morning and everyone liked our presentation!!!

Monday, 28 October 2013

Term 4- Sun Smart

Term 1 and 4 are sunhat terms at Macandrew Bay School.  We are proud to be a SunSmart School!  We are planning to get George's Mum (Linda) who works in Health Promotion for The Cancer Society to come and speak at a focus assembly soon.
In the meantime.....we are running a sunhat competition. There will be a prize for the class that has the most students wearing sunhats! Good Luck everyone and remember to - Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Jump Rope For Heart was a huge success!
After a lot of practice the day had arrived!

It was fun being in our groups.  Thanks to everyone for their great efforts in raising money for the Heart Foundation.  We loved seeing all the children and adults skipping and helping their heart!!!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Jump Rope for Heart! Friday 13th September

Jump Rope for Heart- This event is being organised by the Health Team for Friday 13th September.   The children will be involved with skipping activities for the afternoon.  The children will receive a sponsorship form in the next few days to set a Jump Rope Goal and to start collecting sponsorship.  Classes will be practising their skipping leading up to the event as well skipping being a focus for our school wide fitness programme in weeks 6 and 7.   It would be great to encourage the children to practise their skipping at home.  The whole whanau can even join in!  Money raised goes towards helping the Heart Foundation and skipping is a great way to keep active!    
We are also going to be encouraging the children to wear odd shoes on Friday 13th September to help raise awareness and money for Camp Quality (Kids with Cancer).  More details about this to follow.  
A special welcome to Eleanor Hill from Room 2 who joins the Health Team for this term.  Unfortunately we do not have any more spaces this year on our Health Team, but we look forward to working with those of you that missed out this year in 2014! 

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Apples For Life!!!!

Apples for Life was a great success! Thank you to the children of Macandrew Bay School for trying the amazing apples.  A total of 140 children sampled the 4 varieties of apples and voted for their favourite one.  A huge THANKS to Lindy Cooper and Marty West for supplying us with the delicious apples.  Finally Well done to the Health Team for promoting apples and helping us think about looking after ourselves by eating an apple a day!!

Eve Apples- 67
Granny Smith- 30
Royal Gala - 25
Fuji- 18
So..... The favourite variety preferred by Mac Bay children is EVE!!

Monday, 10 June 2013

Health Nurse - Ann

The Health team organised Ann Jacobson our School Health Nurse to come to a focus assembly to talk to us about keeping healthy during winter, hand washing and how to beat the bugs.  She gave our teachers some activities for us to do and lots of handy hints.  Thanks ANN!

Friday, 24 May 2013

Germ Free!

Check out the photos of us promoting our latest campaign! Fight the Germ! We gave each class posters to promote hand washing and encourage good hygiene.  Ann, our school Health Nurse will be talking to the school at a focus assembly soon.... in the meantime.... here is another reminder to remember to wash our hands!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Meet the 2013 Macandrew Bay School Health Team






Aaron Hewson



Billy Smith

Lachie Penrose

George Higham

Eddie Caird

William Murray